Department of Competition & Consumer Protection held a conference “Summing up the management of multi-level sales activities in the North”

To sum up, evaluating the management of multi-level sales activities in 2019 and the first 6 months of 2020, recently on August 7, 2020, the Department of Competition & Consumer Protection (The Department oC&CP) held a conference “Review of the management of multi-level sales activities in the North” in Hanoi.

On the side of state management agencies, The Department oC&CP has coordinated with relevant agencies from the central government to the local Departments of Industry and Trade to implement a series of strong and synchronized management measures, especially the effective implementation of the project to improve the efficiency of business management in a multi-level way in the period of 2018 – 2020 according to Decision No. 1822/QD-BCT on May 25, 2018 of the Minister of Industry and Trade to manage and establish the order of multi-level sales activities, especially in localities.

Regarding the activities of enterprises, the period of 2018 – 2019 has marked a step change with a series of legal documents adjusting the business sector in a multi-level method is issued including: Decree 40/2018/ND-CP, Decree 141/2018/ND-CP, Circular 10/2018/TT-BCT. With higher requirements both technically and financially for businesses engaged in multi-level business, the new legal framework has contributed to the operation of the multi-level sales industry to be more transparent and effective. From the number of 30 enterprises operating in early 2019, up to now the number of enterprises operating officially only 21 enterprises. However, the revenue of the multi-level sales industry is recorded to still increase 1,793 billion VND, up more than 16% compared to 2018, the total tax paid in 2019 reached 1,661 billion VND, up 21.7% compared to 2018.

At the conference to summ up the management of multi-level sales activities in the Northern region, the Department oC&CP introduced and announced a number of information technology applications in the management of multi-level sales activities as follows:

– Announcing online public services in the management of multi-level sales activities: In the general spirit of reforming administrative procedures of the Government and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Department oC&CP has coordinated with the Department of E-Commerce and Digital Economy to design and apply online public services for administrative procedures: Issuance and Amendment and supplementation of certificates of registration of multi-level sales activities:

– Introducing the multi-level sales management website (newly upgraded): With many new functions and applications, can support the provision of up-to-date, transparent and complete data on the field of multi-level sales, helping to enhance information exchange and interaction between state management agencies from central to localities thereby improving the efficiency of multi-level sales management.

– Announcement of iMLM app: Is an application of the Department oC&CP to support the provision and reception of information on multi-level sales management in Vietnam in the most up-to-date and convenient way. iMLM app now is development on iOS and will be published by the Department in the near future

Get the iMLM app

At the Conference, representatives of the Northern Departments of Industry and Trade, multi-level sales associations, multi-level sales enterprises exchanged and offered solutions to remove difficulties and obstacles in the law enforcement process of local regulatory agencies and difficulties of enterprises in the process of complying with Decree 40/2018/ND-CP of the Government on the management of business activities in a multi-level way. The comments and recommendations at the conference will be synthesized as a basis for competent agencies to consider amending and supplementing the current multi-level sales law to suit the actual requirements.

Source: Department of Investigation and Handling of Unfair Competition Behavior